Welcome to yourenergymedicine.com blog

This blog has two differents purposes. The first one is to expose stories , videos, articles, thoughts about energy medicine but also about shamanic medicine as it has been practiced for thousand of years by mankind to nowadays. The other reason for this blog to be is to expose a path of change, the one of a western mind educated and grown with rational and scientific tools from his civilization, which gradually merges into a being who speaks to energy, elements and n natural forces and uses them to heal people and to finally become a medicine man .


Some time ago, a certain number of events occurred in my life and changed it made it totally. These events came to me as a teaching and a revelation at once. The revelation was about a gift i had to heal people, seing energy and acting on it with my hands. I have read since when that such things are often coming in strange ways for those who are not born into families already awaken to shamanism or aware of it. It happens that such families are more frequent in traditional societies than in our so-called “modern” societies. For those like me who are from these last ones, special events occur or something suddenly opens the door to such things and in such cases it’s pretty common for this to be followed by radical to brutal changes. My mayan instructor said Gods always offer options and it always belongs to one to take them or reject them. In front of the wonderful things that have happened then and being offered the privilege to serve others, I couldn’t refuse to take this path.


Some of you might show themselves skeptical while reading some of my writings. Talking for myself, i have only decided to report facts and results that occured since I have decided to walk this path. Difficult changes have been required from me and a lot of “tearing” at some point , but i am still walking it and it never betraded me. From the moment i have met my Mayan instructors to later one, some other valuable native americans instructors full of wisedom and talent, the time has passed, but the days without healing were rare. So far, over a hundred people came to me to get some health care or relief and i could only feel blessed to have the privilege to heal them..

I need to add something important. I have no merit. The Gods give or the Gods take back, they are always the ones that make the decision. The Universe and the nature are here around, and it’s their beautiful strength and great energy that heal. The medicine man and the shaman are just like open channels used by such forces as long as their intention is pure. One have to forget himself in the process to let all this happen and definitly Shamanism never comes from ego’s omnipotence or arrogance. Most of the past shamans have grown humble, healing and working behind the scenes and we aim to follow such path.

* The images used at this article come from the wonderful Art of Michael Grab. Visit his website here to learn more about his natural creations.

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