Energy and Shamanic Healing : the ferryman of souls

The ferryman of the souls - An energy healing  story

The ferryman of the souls – An energy healing story

Ricardo is a man from Guatemala who came to me in April 2013 through a shaman woman leaving there. He was one of his neighbors . He had for long, extremely strong diabetes problems, combined with back and stomac problems and he was due to take some heavy treatment to face his various problems on a daily basis. The women shaman having told him about me, he asked me by her intermediair to help healing or at least to relieve his pain.

I had never seen Ricardo and i didn’t know him but when I sat in meditation to start his distant healing session (i was in France at this time and he was in Guatemala ) the man and soul that came to me revealed to be extraordinary; The effect was a bit like a sun entering into my meditation and healing room. I felt immediatley he had a great heart, even so big he was capable to compromise his own health to help others which I told him.  I felt a recent pain in his back was due to this and he just smiled when listening to that. It is a strange feeling but just as it happens into daily life, sometimes i attend someone i don”t know for distant shamanic healing and then it seems i am in front of an old friend. This is exactly what happened this time with Ricardo but with a magic touch and much light coming from him on top of it An old friend with a sort of vcation to help people and make them happy, and that could hold way more into his heart than just his family and himself.

During the first session, I dwelt on the body part and I saw many problems. I sent a lot of energy and light, Icleaned and drove out pain, tension or congestion in all areas where I saw them. The session lasted about one hour thirty and I sensed it was very strong as the energy of my hands was thick and palpable.

shamanic and energy healing, the power of hands

shamanic and energy healing, the power of hands

One fact is I never tell precisely when I am going to start a distant energy healing session, mainly because I do not always know myself. I can schedule it for one particular day and then once seated , it shifts. Other patients or other things to deal with come to me that puts the plan upside down and change the agenda so I prefer not to commit me too much on a precise hour and time frame. I also like to avoid people falling into mind games, illusing themselves about hypothetical results or sensations. It’s always better to have them wait a few days before figuring out clearly concrete improvements and i never expect real time confirmation of my healing.

This first day i have start healing Ricardo, things happen in a total unexpected way to me. Two hours after the energy healing session, his wife and him rang at the doorbell of the shaman and entered her house full of joy and enthousiasm! Ricardo told her he didn’t know exactly what I had done  but that he felt better than he did for long. He says he was feeling “like a child full of energy and joy” and he asked her to express me great gratitude for my “unbelievable” work. As you imagine, when i heard that a few hours after from the mouth of the shaman, it warmed my heart and i felt an infinite gratitude but the story doesn’t end up here.

While they were at the shaman’s house, they have remained some more time, chatting  mainly about Ricardo’s health and the way all of his health troubles had began. Ricardo told him the following: “Before I was helping people to pass away. When someone was closed to death, his family would call me and i would go helping, mainly going to the bedside of the person, speaking to him and helping. Since I got all these health troubles, I had to stop doing that but I think my problems are somehow due to this. Something must have happened while i was doing that . ” Apparently Ricardo had no more explanation than that, but just the intuition this could explain the origin of his problems. There are in this world, wonderful people who give their time to help and support the dying. It seems to be something pretty common in Latin America and some other parts of the globe, and not just in Tibet. I know some volunteers are doing it as well in some hospitals in western civilization. In many cases, this “mission” is not filled by official priests but may be accomplished by other people for whom the vocation has been revealed. Ricardo is Catholic and was in this case before his health went down.

The evening of that day, i spoke with the woman shaman in Guatemala and she told me about the amazing effect of the energy healing session and  all about the dying and when I heard this last thing, everything seemed to enlight, including the incredible feeling of this “sun” and “light” coming into the room when Ricardo visited me. It was like the confirmation Ricardo was a very special soul and i understood a bit more why. I talked to the Shaman about what I saw and felt ( energetically and physically ) and she confirmed that Ricardo was like i described him, a big helper with a great heart.

At the same time and the same day, hearing about Ricardo’s office and the way his problems started, i knew in my deep inside i would have to do more healing work on him to access more subtle levels of energy beyond the body. I will need to work more on the etheric body field ( my Mayan guides call them “soul” ). I knew at this point that the root of his problem was there. What was in the body was only a consequence and Ricardo would not be healed properly without a serious work on these particular body energies. I had to go and look further.**

Shamanic Healing - Importance of the heart

Shamanic Healing – Importance of the heart

The next day , when I sat down to heal Ricardo i was really determined to look into these higher energy levels and to find out if i could see something there. A few seconds after I “called” him, he was there with his smile, his humor, his big heart and his beautiful warmth and I felt a deep joy into my heart. This session lasted over two hours and left me exhausted.

I saw two large wounds in his etheric field that communicated with each other . I visualized them as two vortices entering his aura, In both of them was housed a dark energy , countaining stained filaments and blood red curls . When I put my hands in these places , I knew instantly that a departed soul was entangled in these injuries. As strange as it can sound to you, i also felt it was a children.

With much love and respect, I have extracted this energy, giving it back to the sky for it join the young soul that had left already and bring him peace. I also realized that these both the children and the patient had strongly “clung” to each other during the departure and the death of the children. It could be that he did not want the child to go or that the child was not ready to pass away at all, or maybe both things at the same time. You have to understand that conscient mind is not involved into shamanic transe, except when the message arises the surface of the conscousness. All this information is provided to me by my hands. It comes to me as evidence and facts from my hands when i start to work with them on external energies or dark ones in a patient’s light and etheric body.

Doing this energy healing this one day, i also understood that although things had happened without any bad intention from the part of the children, nore from Ricardo, the open wound and the external energy that hung inside him was like a venom poisoning slowly his body and creating all these health problems. Again, all these things appeared to me like strong evidences brought by the energy in my hands.

Shamanic perceptions and seing

Shamanic perceptions and seing

As i mentionned, this soul retrieving session left me exhausted. Finishing it, i recommended to Ricardo that i felt also very tired at this point to rest a lot in the two or three following days. I also told him I would ask to the woman shaman to prescribe some plants to relieve all his digestive system and help his body to eliminate all the things that will need to be evacuated for now. I knew that the healing work would produce it . Again, in these conditions of shamanic transe, the words coming out of my mouth dont’ seem to belong completely to me or at least not from my ordinary logic mind that analyse and process concepts. Though the shaman wakes up more and more into me during the day and out of my healing sessions, there is still a big difference between my daily Mini-me and the shaman that acts during energy health care. Remarquable fact, when words goes out like this in healing sessions, they leave no room for doubt  in my heart or in my mind. I know for sure that this is what needs to be done. So this one day after the energy healing, i have said all these words to Ricardo, and I also told him he should avoid stimulants and coffees, make sure not to expose himself long to the sunlight, and finally, he should rest on a place safe of airflow and treat himself like a patient after a heavy surgery. This session was so strong that during a short period of time, i have been almost afraid i had done too much at once. In reality this concern I have had for some first few cases has dissipated over time.

The same day the wife of Ricardo came to see the shaman to confirm that his husband was extremely tired. He was far from feeling the same energy than the day before. She also confirmed that he was sleeping quietly in his bedroom and far from the sunlight (which i was glad to hear as it fitted my instructions) . As upon my request, the woman shaman also gave him simple plants to make herbal teas in the incoming days and to have his body assist the healing work.

Four to five days later, the effects and the fatigue of the intervention being over, I received a strong confirmation. For the first time in years Ricardo’s Diabetes was falling down a lot. it had decreased from 214 to 135. Ricardo was kind of waiting to confirm and had done a first test, then came to eat a “desert” the next day (!!!), and then went back for a diabetes test, the tendancies was the same. Total decrease. In the following weeks , the sugar would decline even more to reach levels that Ricardo didn’t remember having ever reached. The day when he came triomphaly announcing this awesome news and after a while,  the shaman woman asked him if he remembered having help a children to pass away. After a pause, Ricardo said that one of his very young students drowned in a lake under his eyes and that he hadn’t been able to act fast enough to save him. When I heard that a thrill of confirmation came down my spine and a burst of emotion  raised from my heart to my eyes. My energy and my heart were delivering me the message; i knew for sure that this was the children i had seen.

Ripples and effects of shamanic healing

Ripples and effects of shamanic healing

Ricardo remained a good friend. Since when, he called me his “official” medicineman (curandero ) and I smile as i am writing these lines. Shortly after the healing session, the shaman showed him a picture of me and he said ” yes I know. It’s him , I know him .” . We still havent meet each other in reality. I talked to him once over the phone and it has been a great moment and a great emotion. Much gratitude flew on both parts. I hope to meet him one day and we have talked about it already.  Sometimes I “call ” him in my healing sessions to see how he goes. I know he is not very wise and as he drinks beer and eats sweets from time to time (something he couldn’t do any longer when he had his health problems) his liver is not the most happy in the whole affair. It s a good thing that Ricardo keeps a certain restraint and does not overpass some limits though i always worry that over time it could have some bad effects on him. I need to add, and I’m always the first surprised about it, that whenever i “call” him for distant healing for a short review and some quick energy sending, i never warn him in advance but usually, a few days afterwards his daughter or his wife alway contact me to thank me for having done it…


One month after the first energy treatment, Ricardo came along on his own to “visit” me in meditation. He told me he had something to ask me. I knew what was his question and I smiled , but I have been waiting for him to put it. He asked me if he could help the dying again and I shivered with joy. I told him he could do it again soon but it would be better to give a month or two before proceeding and let his body fully recover. Some time later, he contacted me by phone to tell me he had a first request (this hadn’t happened for years) and that he refused because his medicineman ( curandero ) didn’t allow him yet to do so … I have been very moved by all of this because I thought afterwards that the gods, the universe, or a big mystery (hit the checkbox of your choice ) had sent him to me and had healed him through my hands so he can accomplish his wonderful mission in this world, the most beautiful one after the life-giving , to accompany death and help the dying.


How to explain the immediate responsiveness of individuals to distant shamanic healing? How come  some of them can feel the distant healing work almost in real time without having being advised of it? Is the level of arousal or awakening of the patient explaining it? Or something related to a form of ” attention ” or ” intuition “? Why is it that the shamanic healing works so fast in some cases? What determines the fact that for some patients, effects are almost immediate and obvious while for others it goes slowler? Is the relationship of each patient to his own illness the explanation ? Are all the patients really ready to let go of their deseases in their deep inside?

The relationships between a patient and his illness are often very complex and all shamans and energy healers know that healing can only come from the patient. He is the only real “craftsman” of his own recuperation. The best a shaman or a energy healer can do is to give everything he can, when he feel he can. Ricardo was skeptical about shamanic medecine and energy healing before starting all the process. His wife first convinced him to give it a try but once he made the decision he engaged with confidence, faith, and an open mind attitude. This is undoubtedly a key. In any case, the results are there.

Thank you for your reading and a beautiful day full of light and joy.

* Please note that I always used a borrowed name to preserve my patient’s anonymity.

** At this time, I started to access more and more to other energies’ levels beyond the physical ones and I had not yet the habit of visiting these “places” first. It’s something I do systematically now and my healing has evolved a lot, along the way. The root of heavy problems or deseases are never standing only in the physical energy body and their root are almost always in the etheric body. I perceive the multiple energy levels in a human being as “levels”. The shamanic perception or at least mine, does not work like the eye perception that embrasses in one look all the light and all the information . I cannot , in my case , see both the body and the etheric level at the same time and I have to “observe” each level separately. The intention of focusing on a particular level to see it is essential.

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